Potty-Training Your Puppy

Posted on: 11 August 2023

If you took in a new puppy to care for, one of the first actions you need to take is to train it how to go to the bathroom outdoors. If you do not start the training process fast, your puppy will use the interior of your home for toileting. This is a hard habit to break if it is allowed to begin. Here are steps to take to train your pooch to conduct their potty business outside.

Be Ready To Go Outside Often

When potty-training a puppy, you need to bring the dog outside frequently. This helps to keep the inside of your home from being used, plus it reinforces the idea to your puppy that outside is the place to go. Take your puppy outdoors after mealtime and every hour or so throughout the daytime hours. If you do not bring your dog out enough, there are sure to be accidents occurring inside. Keep your puppy's collar or harness on and set their leash near the door for easy access.

Be Aware Of Signs It Is Time To Go

If your puppy has a toileting accident inside your home, it will likely revisit this location again. Watch your puppy's behavior. If it goes toward that location, quickly bring your dog outdoors. Your puppy will quickly realize that it needs to go through the door to get to the toileting area. If your dog stays near the door, bring it outside.

Keep Treats For Toileting Training

Every time your puppy successfully goes to the bathroom outdoors, give it a treat. This is positive reinforcement that your dog will remember. If it knows it gets a treat for toileting, it will try to gain your attention by standing near your door so it has a chance to obtain that reward. It may not go to the bathroom every time you bring it outdoors. Give the puppy a treat only when it eliminates. Do not punish your puppy for accidents inside, but instead say "no" in a firm voice if you catch the puppy in the act. Do not give the puppy a treat until it goes to the bathroom outdoors as you desire.

Know The Treats Are Temporary

In time, if you provide your puppy with treats for successfully eliminating outdoors, it will not require them to perform this behavior. You can eliminate the treat process every once in a while and keep escalating the removal of the treats until they are not necessary. Instead, give your puppy treats for performing other actions. However, keep giving the treats until you are relatively certain your dog has mastered the concept of alerting you when it needs to go to the bathroom.

Contact a professional to learn more about dog training
